Friday, October 11, 2013

1. Yes it is fair because the states are the main source for the government. If the government needs money, it makes sense for the states to pay it.

2. I want to visit all of them because I wantto see as many as I can.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Start up 10-8-13

I don't agree with the name change. I think this for several reasons. First of all, when the name was created, the name was an accepted term. Secondly, it is the name that everyone knows them by and changing the name will be leaving it's heritage behind. Even though it may be a term that is not accepted in today's culture, it is not that big of a deal. To me it doesn't really matter whether they change the name or not.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Start up 10-7-13

1. It says that our national security is not quite as good as it could be and that we need to be more aware of what is going on around us.

2. I am not very surprised that this happened. Most people probably aren't observant enough to realize what is happening.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Bellringer 9/30/13

1. It is an article about a bombing that happened in the 1990's.

2. It is another article about another bombing that happened in the 1990's.

3. It is an article about the last shut down and a few other things.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Eagle Eye Questions

1. It helps to hold control over powers and to keep tabs on what is going on.

2. It controlled their lives by only letting them see what it wanted them to see. It would do this by being in control of all of the technology and if there was something that it didn't want the people to see, it wouldn't show it.

3. I don't think I would because it would give too much power to certain people. I also don't want this because I think we should be allowed to view anything there is.

4. I use technology to do large amounts of my school assingments, like I am right now.

5. It wants to convey that technology is a powerful tool and that it should not be taken lightly. You should treat tecnology with care and respect in this age.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I believe that these people should have been served and that this is an act of racism. These people had the right to be served and if that person feels that he was being threatened, he should have been the one to have to leave so that the larger group of people could be seated.

I believe that M.L.K. Jr. had many very good points in this speech. I think if he were alive today he would be very proud to see that his work and passion has lead to blacks and whites being treated equally. I believe this is one of the most influential speeches ever given.